Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 28, 20122 min read
A Little Sadness on a Quiet Morning: Everyday Magic, Day 556
I sit on the eastern edge of the porch, woods cornering around me while the wind shakes up everything then settles it down. While it’s a...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 20, 20122 min read
My Life With a Big, Naughty Dog: Everyday Magic, Day 552
Resting dogs after trashing the house a little He acts like a fur-covered giant toddler although various vets have told me that he’s...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 7, 20122 min read
Chigger Magnet: Everyday Magic, Day 546
Some men and women and chick magnets. Me? I’m a chigger magnet. Take me out to the fields or woods with you, and you won’t need insect...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 2, 20122 min read
“I Started Early, Took My Dog”: Everyday Magic, Day 544
Okay, so 9 a.m. isn’t exactly early, but it’s earlier than I usually take my dog for a walk, and it’s the start of what I’m hoping to...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Apr 18, 20122 min read
Woman Who Sleeps With the Big Dogs: Everyday Magic, Day 537
I used to worry about empty nest syndrome startling me awake to all the regret and guilt I have as a mother, but was too busy to feel. I...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Mar 19, 20121 min read
10 Perfect Things: Everyday Magic, Day 521
10 a.m. in the Checkers (supermarket for you out-of-towners) parking lot, I saw a man surely in his 70s or older carrying a one-year-old...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Mar 19, 20122 min read
The Mystery of the Missing Dog: Everyday Magic, Day 520
We were speculating about how Shay may have been stolen since he vanished so quickly. Saturday afternoon, Ken was on the hill doing some...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 26, 20111 min read
Our Aunt, Uncle and a Tornado Kitten: Everyday Magic, Days 331-332
Even massive tornadoes can move in delicate ways. Our aunt and uncle’s garage was destroyed, but a china cabinet that shared a wall with...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 20, 20111 min read
How Much Wood A Baby Woodchuck Chucks: Everday Magic, Day 327
A family of woodchucks is living under my mother-in-law's deck, and so my mom -- visiting for Daniel's graduation -- and I pulled up...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 18, 20111 min read
Great Horned Owl on the Swingset: Everyday Magic, Days 324-325
I got close to the window, aiming the camera. She wheeled her head around, but judging by her size and mine, it was clear I wasn’t much...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 10, 20111 min read
The Birds and the Possibili-Bees: Everyday Magic, Days 292-295
Sitting under the eaves outside the main building at Brave Voice, the swifts and bees diving past us in the fast wind that moves them and...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 5, 20111 min read
The Girl and the Luna Moth: Everyday Magic, Day 289
When Natalie was 10, our friend Coco took a beautiful picture of her with a lunar moth on her birthday, April 28, which happens to...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 4, 20111 min read
Finding Our Cardboard Totem Animals: Everyday Magic, Days 287-88
Friday, I had one of the quintessential Lawrence nights out, wandering downtown on a perfect spring evening with Ken, Anne and Bruce,...