
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Nov 2, 20247 min read
33 Things To Get You From Here to There: Everyday Magic, Day 1,109
“Don’t read the news, at least not the feeding frenzy of speculation about the election,” I keep telling myself, and for good reason....

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jan 7, 20244 min read
Back to a First Love: Everyday Magic, Day 1090
When I was a kid, I drew. All the time. I lived for trips to art supply stores where I might procure new pencils, fresh erasers, some...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Feb 21, 20233 min read
Bruce Springsteen, Grace, and Mortality in Kansas City: Everyday Magic, Day 1077
A few days ago I went to my seventh and perhaps my last Springsteen concert, which was (as always) a tour de force love child of sacred...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jan 8, 20232 min read
Juxtapositions Make Life Interesting: Everyday Magic, Day 1074
Juxtapositions — putting like with non-like — add zip, surprise, sometimes anxiety, and often uncertainty to our lives. They’re also at...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Mar 13, 20222 min read
Two Years Later and What Will be Two Years From Now?: Everyday Magic, Day 1053
It all changed March 13, 2020 for many of us in this country. That Friday the 13th was auspicious in ways people like me didn’t see...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Dec 18, 20212 min read
For the Love of Mike and His Art: Everyday Magic, Day 1045
For years, they arrived regularly, two or three batches every month or so that always included one for me, one for Ken, and occasionally...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jul 8, 20212 min read
For the Love of the Song & the Singer: Remembering Martin Swinger: Everyday Magic, Day 1040
Martin Swinger, a virtuoso singer and songwriter, died suddenly in early July, leaving behind his husband (and partner of 35 years) Brian...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Mar 11, 20213 min read
“Life Will Break You”: A Year Since Everything Changed: Everyday Magic, Day 1031
“This is probably the last time we’ll be able to do this,” we nervously joked with each other a year ago. We were friends, gathered at...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jan 12, 20212 min read
When I Don’t Know What Else to Do: Everyday Magic, Day 1025
Since the riots of hatred last Wednesday, it’s hard to get my bearings. Like most of the people I know, the word “unbelievable!” peppers...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jun 29, 20192 min read
Nine Reasons to Give a Little (or a Lot): Everyday Magic, Day 978
As many of you know, I’m leaping from my day job of college-level teaching to creating more transformative writing, community-building...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 16, 20192 min read
You As a Poem (for Denise Low): Everyday Magic, Day 973
You As a Poem for Denise The poem would rise from fossils and columbarium time-traveled from your memory or the continent’s, through two...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jul 4, 20183 min read
Annual Pilgrimage to Our Patron Saint: Mary Chapin Carpenter: Everyday Magic, Day 944
This year Kelley Hunt and I trekked to Wichita for a long day’s night to the Wabi Sabi (beautiful, decaying, and full of soul and...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Apr 15, 20183 min read
Moses, Meet Miriam: Everyday Magic, Day 936
We stopped at Crystal Bridges Friday night about 7:30 p.m., figuring it was closed but wanting to scope out the place. It was open until...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Mar 20, 20181 min read
Equinox Quirks in East Lawrence: Everyday Magic, Day 933
Nothing like a brisk walk on the first day of spring in East Lawrence with a good friend. Along the way, we saw many more friendly sites,...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Dec 28, 20176 min read
Remembering Dick Allen, 1939-2017: Everyday Magic, Day 922
The only problem was, that aside from the conference organizers, there were only a handful of conference-goers. We filled the open space...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Nov 25, 20172 min read
Mending Old Quilts: Everyday Magic, Day 918
Some might say to toss quilts with dozens of tears in them, but each quilt, just like each life, has its own story. Woody and Janet, our...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Sep 18, 20173 min read
When Miriam Finishes Wandering the Desert: Everyday Magic, Day 911
Late last night, as I sent my novel Miriam’s Well to my wonderful publisher, Steve Semken of Ice Cube Press, I reworked a summary of this...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 26, 20173 min read
Please Help Me Find Cover Art For Miriam's Well, My New Novel: Everyday Magic, Day 900
Miriam’s Well Synopsis From a young age Miriam sees visions she can’t cope with or stop. Growing up Jewish in Brooklyn with Aaron, her...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Mar 24, 20173 min read
Save the Humanities!: Everyday Magic, Day 894
Photo by Stephen Locke, used with permission The kids were already in the front seats when I arrived at the Coffey County Library branch...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Apr 9, 20162 min read
A Tale of (at Least) Two Quilts: Everyday Magic 894
I started the bright blue quilt with the crazy quilt squares — controlled chaos is how I see this design glimpsed and phone-photoed from...