
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jan 23, 20144 min read
The Love of Justice, The Justice of Love, and Why Courtney & Denise Should Be Able to Marry in
2001 Real-But-Not-in-Kansas Wedding Portrait When Courtney and Denise asked me to marry them, I said, “Sure, but you know, I’m not legal...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jul 17, 20132 min read
When I Was Growing Up: Everyday Magic, Day 717
When I was growing up, a high school teacher would stretch forth one arm, drop his wrist dramatically, swish, and imitate Charles Nelson...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jul 16, 20133 min read
The Invisibility of Privilege: Everyday Magic, Day 716
As I read about the Trayvon Martin murder and subsequent trial, I can’t stop thinking about the obvious: the invisibility of privilege,...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jul 11, 20132 min read
What DOMA Repeal Means Up Close and Personal, and How I Got a Kitten Out of It: Everyday Magic, Day
On May 6, 2001, I conducted my very first (and so far, last) wedding for my dear friends and our kids’ godparents. Courtney and Denise...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Apr 8, 20138 min read
Unanswered Calls for Help and the Holocaust: Everyday Magic, Day 692.
Today I was honored to be the keynote speaker at the State of Kansas Holocaust Commemoration at the Kansas History Museum in Topeka, KS....

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Oct 12, 20112 min read
Remembering Matthew Shepard & What Divides Us: Everday Magic, Day 424
There are many people tortured, even killed, just because they are who they are, and while I don’t mean to lift up Shepard above all...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Aug 21, 20114 min read
"The Help," the Protest Against It And Why I Went To See It: Everyday Magic, Day 391
Sitting on Dora’s lap in our small Brooklyn apartment kitchen, I asked, “If the white people are so mean to the black people, why isn’t...

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Feb 12, 20112 min read
Welcome Home, Egyptians!: Everyday Magic, Days 207-208
I'm dreaming some of Egypt, feeling that joyous swoop of energy from yesterday, and all it says about the possibilities for tomorrow....