Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jul 19, 20112 min read
"Satan Called: He Wants His Weather Back": Everyday Magic, Day 370
Dinner If only. I would be more than happy to pack up this searing heat and send it below and beyond, but I’m afraid that the devil is...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jul 10, 20112 min read
20 Things To Do When It's Above 100 Degrees: Everyday Magic, Day 364
In Kansas in the summer, we’ve become experts on this! Here’s some ideas: Sit in a comfortable chair, slumped down for extra comfort, in...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jun 18, 20111 min read
Living With Men Who Love Storms: Everyday Magic, Day 353
It used to be the man in my house who loved stormed, but since Daniel moved back in, this storm mania went exponential, each of them...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Jun 1, 20112 min read
Tornadoes, Come Home: Everyday Magic, Day 338
Dear Tornadoes and Otherwise Tornado Alley Storms, You know and I know that this is your home: Tornado alley, which encompasses much of...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 29, 20111 min read
After the Storm, the Stars: Everyday Magic, Day 335
Another poem inspired by Stephen Locke’s photographs, this one taken after the tornadoes in Oklahoma last week. After the Storm, the...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 26, 20111 min read
Enraptured: Everyday Magic, Day 333
Photographer Stephen Locke, whose gorgeous photograph taken last Saturday, and I have started a project combining his photograph with my...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
May 26, 20111 min read
Our Aunt, Uncle and a Tornado Kitten: Everyday Magic, Days 331-332
Even massive tornadoes can move in delicate ways. Our aunt and uncle’s garage was destroyed, but a china cabinet that shared a wall with...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Apr 10, 20111 min read
Big Wind All Night: Everyday Magic, Day 264
All night, the big wind blows. At times, the whole house seems to lift a little as the wind finds its way through every slat and crack....
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Mar 28, 20111 min read
Dreaming of Tornadoes: Everyday Magic, Day 250
I lived in Kansas for more than a decade before I began dreaming of tornadoes, something I aspired to like learning to fly in my dreams...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Feb 19, 20111 min read
After Falling Down the Rabbit Hole: Everyday Magic, Day 215
Residencies make their own magic, and I would even say their own reality except this reality is quite real: what happens here is a...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Dec 31, 20102 min read
If This Year Could Talk: Everyday Magic, Day 166
Hey, I’m 2010, and I’m exhausted. What a year! I tell you, I could use a good week of solid sleep, and I know I’m going to get it and...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Apr 27, 20084 min read
Where the Weather Can Kill You: Tornado Warning and Other Things That Go Bump in the Night
When my friend Sara was about to move to the northwest, she said, "I just want to live somewhere where the weather can't kill you."...