Sitting the bright sunlight on an unusually warm (thank you!) Kansas day, I was struck by the blue of the sky, the faces in the crowd, and the dignity of the We-Ta-Se American Legion Post 410 Honor Guard, carrying forth the Kansas and U.S. flags along with their tribal symbols. I also love the notion of the posting and then the retiring of the colors as a way to open and close a ceremony.
Despite some hamster-like meandering through the basement of the capitol to get there and get back to the garage, and then finding two entrances in a row closed to the turnpike on the way home, I didn’t feel lost on this shining day. I’m hoping to keep that sense of being a little at home in a changing landscape when others things that are set to be decided in the capitol — some of which directly affect our household and community — come to roost.
This is not to say I won’t be doing what I can, but that I’m reminded so much this week how life is far more mysterious and vast than I can imagine, continually posting and retiring its colors.