Turkeys in our field vying for what shade they can find
Everyday I start to write about the heat, I realize what I’m prone to say has already been said, and what’s worse, by me last summer. So instead I offer this retrospective of life on a desert planet, otherwise known as much of the Midwest lately and more specifically from my vantage point, Kansas:
“So Friggin’ Hot” — Written last summer in early June, long before I knew what months of so friggin’ hot truly were.
“20 Things To Do When It’s Above 100 Degrees” — Now I just need 20 more things to do.
“Satan Called: He Wants His Weather Back” — If only!
“Acclimating to the Heat” — Strange, sad and true.
“Wrung Out to Dry Instantly in the Heat” — When Kansas turns on its power motor.
“When You Can’t Stand the Heat But Won’t Leave the Kitchen” — The kitchen being our state.
Meanwhile, let’s toast a large glass of iced water to cooler days ahead, maybe even in the low 90s (be still, my heart!) and continue to inside-out and outside-in our lives in search of air-conditioning and joy.