Because you want to be prepared for a cell phone upgrade apocalypse
What does a bathing cap with Japanese writing in it (in magic marker, no less), a box of shotgun shells, and 32 acorns have in common? They all lived, until yesterday, in my husband’s sock drawer, which also contained:
Over 8 Verizon phones, dating back to the Pleistocine era when phones were as big as shoes
$5.27, mostly in pennies
Not one but two boxes of shotgun shells when, according to my husband, there really isn’t a shotgun in the house
Three Christmas ornaments, including a Lion King one that came out with the movie
One love letter from me, and six cards written by members of a church, wishing God’s love on Ken as he traveled to Peru (three years ago) to help build wheelchairs
A Boy Scout hat although none of our kids made it past Cub Scouts.
A small, square mirror to signal distress
Two giraffe wooden napkin holders (what the….)

We are not socks
Three flashlights, none with batteries
Two books of matches, including one from an ill-fated trip to Gatlinburg, TN (what were we thinking?) in 1993. None of the matches worked anymore
Handmade wallet found at yard sale in 1987 but too bulky to actually use.
One roman candle, just in case
17 mateless socks
Three pairs of socks
Now that this mystery is solved, I’m thinking about bigger and better mysteries, such as what lives behind the washing machine